Frequently Asked Questions
Member Applications
Can I use another physician to sign the application and administer the MOCA or primitive reflex exam?
You must use an FXN Approved Provider because not all physicians may be eliglible to completely diagnose and provide the appropriate medical services required.
Am I required to submit my tax information?
You are required to complete the Sliding Fee Application designated in the Member Application Form. Your previous tax information is required if no other form of income is submitted.
Do I have to schedule an appointment with a FXN approved provider for my initial application?
Yes, you must have an FXN approved provider exam you, complete, and signature the physician sections of the Patient Information Sheet and MOCA or Primitive Reflex Sheet as the member application designates. You will be reimbursed if you qualify and are approved for reimbursement.
Provider Applications
What if I'm not DACNB certified but wish to obtain FXN provider approval?
Send us an email by visiting our contact page and explain your degree or certification and how it aligns with FXN's goals and we'll get back to you.
If I make a donation, will it be tax deductible?​
Our 501c3 tax exempt status is currently pending, but has been submitted. We will be updating our approval status once we receive our Letter of Designation. According to the IRS, we are to act as tax exempt; however once we receive our Letter of Designation, we will send a receipt to each donator and instructions detailing the next steps.